
Donate today to help build a new Octopus Habitat!

Let's bring a Giant Pacific Octopus (Enteroctopus dofleini) back to SEA Discovery Center! Your donation will help build a new Octopus Habitat that will immerse visitors in the captivating world of this remarkable cephalopod. The octopus plays a vital role in the delicate ecosystem of the Salish Sea. The new exhibit will highlight ways to protect marine life and their habitats through understanding more about this intelligent, unique animal. We invite you to join us.


Students look into a water tank at the Sea Discovery Center

Discover local marine life through interactive aquarium exhibits.


A group of children and adults standing in the sunshine outside of the Sea Discovery Center

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4 volunteers clean an inside water tank at the Sea Discovery Center.

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A child wearing a blue life jacket peers into a microscope.

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A glorious sunset over the marina from the deck of the SEA Discovery Center.

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A sunny day highlighting the entrance of the Sea Discovery Center, an octopus sculpture is outside the front entrance.

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